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Transition to retirement calculator

Super TTR

When transitioning to retirement, it is possible to reduce the hours you work without reducing your income, by tapping into part of your super. The calculator below is a useful and straightforward tool to help you work out how you could achieve this, by looking at your current and future retirement goals.

TTR Calculator Q&As

  • What is Transition to Retirement?

    Transition to Retirement (or TTR) is a retirement strategy that can be used in different ways as you gradually move into retirement. You can use it to top up your income as you ease back on the hours you work. You can also use it to give your super a boost before you retire. The TTR calculator covers all of this.

  • What age can I start TTR?

    You may start using a TTR strategy when you turn 55, and enjoy a 15% tax offset, but the bigger tax-free benefits don’t begin until you’re 60, which is why most people wait until then to begin their transition to retirement.

    It’s a good idea to do a quick review every year in case your goals have changed.

  • What happens to TTR at 65?

    Your ability to use a TTR scheme stops when you turn 65, however, by then you can be enjoying a tax-free income stream through your super, even if you are still working.

  • I have not been salary sacrificing to super, does this make a difference?

    Yes it could. Normally, there are caps on how much you can salary sacrifice each year – but you may be able to carry forward your unused caps from previous years, which means you can salary sacrifice more than usual.

  • Does TTR vary by state?

    No. TTR is the same across Australia, so whether you live in NSW or WA, or you’re working in Vic with retirement dreams in Qld, the TTR rules and benefits are the same.

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