Comparing super funds

What do you want from your super fund?

There are a number of things to think about when comparing superannuation funds. This includes their record of performance, the fees they charge, whether they’re an industry fund with profits going back to their members or a retail fund who give some profits to their shareholders.

How to compare super funds 

The two most common ways of comparing super funds in Australia is to either by make a side-by-side comparison of fees, historical returns, member services, administration etc or see what your super would look like if you were with an average Industry SuperFund compared to an average retail fund.

The next steps.

On average Industry SuperFunds have performed better than retail funds, while also on average charging lower fees and providing excellent service. This means you have a greater chance of enjoying more money in your retirement, and if that sounds good to you, then the next step is to choose the Industry SuperFund that fits your needs.


What is the easiest way to change funds?

To change to a new super fund, simply visit our Choose a fund page (or head to the website of your preferred fund), go to the join page, and apply. With Industry SuperFunds you can do it all online.

Does it cost money to change funds?

No, it’s free to change funds. Decide which super fund is right for you.

What super fund information do I pass to my employer?

You’ll need to give your employer your member number, which the super fund will send to you when you join.

You will also need to provide your employer with:

  • The name of your super fund
  • The fund’s ABN
  • The fund’s Unique Superannuation Identifier, trustee name and letter of compliance

All of these details are usually found on a single document provided by your super fund, often with the letter of compliance. 

How do I roll my super together to reduce fees?

If you’ve had more than one job or employer over time, chances are you have multiple super accounts – all of which are charging their own fees. That’s why it’s recommended that you roll all your super into one account. And it’s really easy to do.

All Industry SuperFunds have a simple form you can fill out, and when you send it to your fund, they’ll search for any other accounts in your name. In fact, they could even find super you had forgotten or didn’t know about.

Just head to the Find Lost Super or Consolidate Super page on your fund’s website. With only one super account, you’ll save money, because you’re only paying one set of fees. 

To learn more about one of the Industry SuperFunds below click on their logo.