When you start a new job, your employer should provide you with the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) Superannuation Standard Choice form (or equivalent) within 28 days of your start date. You can use this form to advise your employer of your choice of super fund. Your employer must then make superannuation contributions into the super fund you’ve chosen.
If you don’t choose a fund, your employer will make super contributions into the fund you are stapled to. If this is your first job, your employer will make contributions into the default fund they’ve chosen for you.
This may mean an additional super account for you, with additional fees, or, even worse, if your employer doesn't choose an Industry SuperFund you could end up with less super in retirement.*
Staying with your Industry SuperFund is easy.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a fund.
Comparisons modelled by SuperRatings, commissioned by ISA, and shows average differences in net benefit of the 'main Balanced option' of 7 Industry SuperFunds and retail funds tracked by SuperRatings, over a 5, 10 and 15 year period . A 'main Balanced option' being the fund's largest Balanced option where 60% to 76% of the fund's assets are invested in growth investments. This is generally the fund's default option. Where a fund does not have a Balanced option, the option closest to SuperRatings’ benchmark range of 60% to 76% growth investments is used. Outcomes vary between individual funds. Modelling performed on 14 October 2024 using data as at 30 June 2024.
See www.industrysuper.com/assumptions for more details about modelling calculations and assumptions. Consider a fund's Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and your personal financial situation, needs or objectives, which are not accounted for in this information, before making an investment decision. ISA Pty Ltd ABN 72 158 563 270 Corporate Authorised Representative No. 426006 of Industry Fund Services Ltd ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL 232514.
Note: As of 21 March 2025 TWU Super (ABN 77 343 563 307), merged into Team Superannuation Fund (ABN 16 457 520 308).
Your question will be sent directly to the fund you select
Your question will be sent directly to the fund you select
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