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Income streams

Opting for an allocated pension

Income streams generally offer account-holders a number of advantages including:

  • Greater tax benefits than taking all super as a lump sum
  • Ease of use – simply set it up and enjoy a regular retirement income, with your fund taking on the responsibility of ensuring you’re drawing down the minimum amount each year
  • Compatibility with Government pensions, which means that, if you’re eligible, you can receive income from your super and the Government Age Pension
  • The balance of your super continues to be invested, with you deciding the level of risk or safety

Opting for an income stream is usually a pretty easy process too, since most super funds, and indeed all Industry SuperFunds have specially designed income stream products.

Your money keeps working

With an income stream, the balance of your super remains invested with your super fund, just as it did when you were working. In fact, much like the investment options available to you when you’re working, super funds in Australia allow you to choose investment options from conservative to growth options while receiving an income stream.

Government Age Pension

An income stream can also supplement the Age Pension you may be entitled to. Naturally, the more income you have, the less pension you will receive. A good financial adviser will be able to help you maximise your income from different sources.

Choosing a fund

When looking for a suitable income stream product, a good place to start is with your Industry SuperFund. If you’re not a member of an Industry SuperFund you should look for a fund which offers:

  • Low fees
  • A choice of investment options
  • Flexible income payment options
  • Ease of joining
  • Competitive long-term performance
  • Transition to retirement options if you are still working
  • Online access to your pension account

All Industry SuperFunds meet these criteria.

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