Calculate the answers and see how your actions can change your retirement.
This calculator brings together publicly available Australian data and licenced data.
This calculator estimates what you’ll retire on when the time comes, and how much income you could receive. It also shows how adding even a small amount extra each year into your superannuation can make a huge difference to your retirement lifestyle down the track.
Were you banking on having more in retirement than the projector has estimated? There are two excellent ways to boost your retirement and save on tax now
Both allow you to make your own contributions into your super account and generally take advantage of lower tax rates. You can also make payments into your partner’s super account, so you’ve both got more to spend when you retire.
You might also choose to delay full retirement by transitioning to retirement instead. This gives you the option of reducing your work hours, while topping up your work income with a bit of super.
Yes, it does. If there’s a chance that you’ll qualify for the Commonwealth age pension when you turn 67, this will be taken into account and shown in yellow on the results graph.
The superannuation calculator not only provides an estimate of how much super you’ll have, but also gives you a good idea of how long it’ll last. You can then adjust your retirement settings and see how those changes will affect the duration of your super. Depending on your potential eligibility, the calculator can also include the Australian age pension.
The calculator can take investment income etc into account when providing an immediate estimate on how long your money will last. The calculator lets you include investments and other assets to get a more complete picture of your retirement income from all sources – even the age pension if you’re potentially eligible.
Every divorce settlement is different, with conditions set out by agreement between the individual parties rather than via a calculator such as this one. Remember though, it’s handy to know how much both you and your partner have in super when arranging a divorce settlement.
Yes it is. Australia’s superannuation system and laws are not like those in other countries, which is why the super balance calculator has been specifically designed to take into account many uniquely Australian factors, such as the age pension criteria, cost of living, tax benefits, investment returns and lifestyle.
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