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Your net pay, also known as your take-home pay, is the part of your gross wage that’s left after taxes and other deductions have been taken out. It’s what you get in your bank account or paycheck on pay day. If you know your wage, you can use our pay calculator to estimate how much you will take home each pay cycle.
The benefits of most common tax deductions, such as work and business expenses, is that they only appear after you put in your tax return – not during your pay cycle. An exception to this is when you salary sacrifice into your super, as this is taxed at a lower rate and triggers a deduction off your tax when you get paid.
You may be wondering if the results from pay calculators can vary depending on which state you live in. The answer is simple: the calculations are the same across Australia as the same national tax rates and rules will determine your net pay.
No matter where in Australia you live, you can get accurate results using our pay calculator because it applies equally to people living in Sydney (NSW), Melbourne (VIC), Perth (WA), Brisbane (QLD), Adelaide (SA), or anywhere else in the country.
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