An income stream is simply a way of receiving a regular income, and it’s how many retirees access the money that they have built up in their super fund. The regular income is like getting a salary but better because super income streams are tax-free for people over 60 years of age.
Most income streams are account based, that is you set up an account with your super fund, transfer a portion of your super to the account and then your fund pays you the amount you choose (subject to minimum drawdown requirements). The balance of your income stream account remains invested just as it was while you were working.
It’s like a regular income. It’s your money and you stay in control.
Different super funds offer different income stream products, and your super fund will be able to give you all the details of its particular income streams, including minimum transfers and withdrawals.
Most funds however offer two common income stream products:
The choice of product depends on your retirement goals and whether you want to continue working or not.
Of course, you must be able to access your super before taking advantage of an income stream.
Many people don’t realise there are also minimum limits you can withdraw, depending on your age. They’re known as minimum drawdowns.
Under the current superannuation rules, the minimum amount you must ‘draw down’ ranges from 4% for a retiree between the age of 55 and 64 years, up to 14% for a retiree aged 95 years or over.
The amounts you draw down will also affect your Government Age Pension payment amounts and eligibility. For more information about Government pensions, visit our age pensions page.
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