This calculator brings together publicly available Australian data and licenced data.
Our simple tax calculator will estimate your income tax liability in Australia and the money you take home. It’s important to note that the income tax you pay weekly/fortnight/monthly depends on your income minus any immediate deductions like salary sacrifice and tax offsets. Your Australian Tax File Number makes this work so be sure to declare it! Most other deductions only yield a benefit after you lodge your tax return for the year.
The new law implemented by the Australian government on the 1st of July 2024, known as ‘stage 3 tax cuts’, will significantly affect income tax calculations (and mean many Australians will pay less tax).
For example, if your salary was 120k a year, your tax rate was 37% under the previous tax law; with the new method in place, your new tax rate is only 30%.
You can estimate how these changes will affect your 2024-25 net salary using our calculator.
The tax calculator above also provides historical information for individuals looking to review their tax obligations for a particular year. It's helpful if you’re checking financial records in Australia. You can adjust the tool to provide calculations for the following financial years:
Whether you receive weekly, fortnightly, monthly or annual income, our tool can help you understand your tax obligations and how much net salary you’ll receive.
Use the tax calculator to make sure you’re paying the correct amount in tax and to be adequately prepared for end-of-year tax requirements.
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Additional details:
Include your total combined income from all income sources.
To withhold tax offsets from your pay you will need to complete 'Withholding declaration (NAT 3093)'. Otherwise Tax Offsets are paid back as a lump sum in your tax return at the end of the financial year.