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Compare Super Funds v2

In Australia, not all super funds are the same. Some charge lower fees, some have a better performance record, some provide greater account and investment options, and some offer fantastic member services and reliable administration. And some offer all of the above.

Then there are the different types of super fund, for instance industry funds return profits to members, whereas retail funds are usually large companies who may return some of their profits to their shareholders.

Our super fund comparison tool provides a side-by-side comparison of most of the funds currently offered in Australia. 

Want low fees? Here is what you compare.

When looking at fees charged by super funds, it’s important to know that there are usually two different types of fees: admin fees and investment fees. All retail and industry funds charge these fees.

Admin fees in Industry SuperFunds are a small, set fee that is uniform across the fund. Investment fees on the other hand can vary depending on the type of investment option or options you choose, with the fund’s default option usually the lowest of all.

Industry SuperFunds aim to charge lower fees, and these are all set out on their websites. 

Fees to look out for

You should not be charged an exit fee to leave a super fund as these were banned by the Australian Government in 2019. Independent and Government data shows that retail funds generally charge higher fees. For more information on the types of fees go here.

The combination of lower fees and excellent performance are two of the main reasons so many people decide to choose an Industry SuperFund.


How do I pay less in super fees?

The two most effective ways to reduce superannuation fees are:

  • Roll all your accounts into one fund, so you are only paying one set of admin fees. It’s pretty easy to do, and your super fund can help you out.
  • Choose a super fund that charges lower fees. Industry SuperFunds have low costs and also return profits back to members, not to corporate shareholders.

How do I compare super funds?

The two easiest ways to compare funds are to either:

  • Use the comparison tool above, giving you an independent snapshot of one fund versus another, or
  • Get an estimate of the difference in your super balance over the past 5, 10 or 15 years, based on whether you were with an industry fund or a retail fund.

How do I join a new super fund?

It’s usually really easy to join a new super fund – especially an Industry SuperFund, because all you need to do is head to our Industry SuperFund overview page, and click join on your preferred fund. This will take you directly to the fund’s joining page where you’ll be able to apply online.

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