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Retirement calculator

The easy way to estimate what you’ll spend in retirement

This calculator helps you work out how much income you will need in retirement. Or, to estimate how much super you will have, try our super calculator.

How much super will you need to retire?

We can help you figure out how much you will need to maintain your lifestyle in retirement.

Tell us about yourself

I'm a year old and
want to retire at
Required fields
Did you know that most people your age will retire at 67.
Did you know that most people your age will retire at 67.

We can help you figure out how much you will need to maintain your lifestyle in retirement.

What will your retirement look like?

I what income I will need when I retire
We can help you calculate the income you will need in retirement.
A comfortable retirement lifestyle budget* for a is 3,604 per

What kind of retirement do you want?

Calculate your own budget by adjusting your retirement needs below.

Swipe for more categories Swipe for more categories
Household goods

Housing expenses

Housing expenses

Building and contents insurance, council rates, water charges, home improvements, repairs and maintenance.

Select your housing budget

Housing budget

Your total weekly expenses are
Your total monthly expenses are     $3,604
Did you know your income in retirement is tax free so you many need less income than you think

During retirement do you think you’ll need to dip into your super for larger expenses?

I need extra cash for:

Your retirement snapshot

Income needed when you retire:
This will last for:
XX years (to age 82 )
Additional expenses during retirement:
Super balance needed at retirement:

Am I on track to have $XX,XXX in super when I retire?

Try our super balance calculator

Need help planning your retirement?

Contact your fund today

Retirement Needs Calculator Q&As

Need help planning your retirement?

Contact your fund today