The salary calculator helps you work out how much net (or take-home) pay you should be getting each week, fortnight or month. The calculator takes into account:
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Unlike most tax deductions – which you only claim after you submit your annual tax return – you can enjoy the tax benefits of salary sacrificing into super each pay day.
A salary package consists of your gross salary plus your super.
To calculate your base salary from a total package, you must first identify the portion allocated to superannuation. Employers must pay 11.5% of ordinary time earnings into your super account.
By identifying and separating these components, you can determine the base salary, which is the amount that excludes superannuation.
Our calculator above allows you to identify your base salary. Simply enter your salary package total and click on calculate, then ‘Adjust your situation’ and select “My salary includes super”.
Tax liabilities and other factors can also affect your final take-home pay, so using our calculator above can help you see your pay, tax and super amounts.
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